In Winter or for Summer, whether it's raining, selling or snowing, green is always superb in decoration. Everyone loves green. It is a color that has absolutely no negative connotation. From the bedroom to the living room through the entrance, the queen of pastel colors easily adapts to any interior, any style, and mixes with any other color.

Want to reboost your interior and give it a color that you and the fashions to follow will never get tired of? Go green! It allows both to give a natural touch and freshness to any room. The color with a thousand and one shades goes well with contemporary atmospheres as well as with the most classic and old ones.

On a velvet sofa, wallpaper, a hand-woven rug or a section of wall, green adapts easily. The Vert & Or couple will never cease to surprise you. The more adventurous will opt for a grass green as for the more classic it will be a fir green. Anyway everyone can find their account.

Green is a color that has caused ink to flow in terms of interior decoration. Indeed many writings have been made about it and its use in everyday life. The Feng Shui masters are formal: forbidden for bedrooms. Claim denied by the European guru of color at the beginning of the 19th century: Goethe. So be free to use it wherever you want.